3 Morton Ave
Albany, NY 12202
2nd - 3rd > Hudson River 1st Quarterly Session
4th > Men's Ministry Fellowship Breakfast - 9:00 am Fellowship Hall
4th > Women's Bible Book Study - 9:00 am - Crenshaw Center
5th > Request for Thanksgiving Baskets must be returned
5th > Daylight Savings Time Ends - 2 am - Turn Your Clocks Back 1 hour
5th > Sunday School Fellowship Breakfast (No-Class) - 9:30 am
6th > Women's World Day of Prayer - 7 pm - Mt Olive SMBC
12th > Pastor Covington - Preaching at Morning Star Usher's Day - 4:00 pm
13th > Deacon's Meeting - 12:00pm
13th > Budget Proposals and Proposed Slate of Officers - Deadline
15th - 17th > 91st Church Anniversary Revival - 7 pm Nightly
15th > REVIVAL - Night 1 - 7:00pm
16th > REVIVAL - Night 2 - 7:00pm
17th > REVIVAL - Night 3 - 7:00am
18th > Women's Bible Study - 9:00am
17th > Thanksgiving Baskets to be picked up
19th >UMBC 91st Church Anniversary - 11:00am
20th - 25 th > UMBC Family Week (no rehearsals, meetings, etc.)
28th > Joint Board Meeting - 6:00pm
30th > Pastor Covington - Preaching at New Hope Baptist Church, Troy, NY